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AUGURAL | Future's History

Now Showing


AUGURAL | Future's History

Now Showing

Polk County Heritage Gallery presents

AUGURAL | Future’s History

Curated by Michaela Mullin

February 6th - March 28th

opening reception thursday, february 6th from 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM

An exhibit of artworks that tell stories of self and others, in varied styles and media. The exploration of and making of timely and timeless work is something to be celebrated, but also carefully read, and thought through, into and across. These paintings, collages, drawings, sculptures, photographic and textile works have this in common: They address the combinatory nature of the world, and ultimately, the inherent and mysterious inextricability of what we don't know, what we know, and what we hope.

Artists Featured

Izabella Balcer

Rachel Buse

Toni Corbett

Shushanik Droshakiryan

EJ Frye

Inga Frye

Sarah Grant

Kathranne Knight

Madeline Maser

Rachel Merrill

Olivia Valentine